Friday, February 8, 2013

AcupofJo morphs into The Dapper and Dope... a whole year later...

Whew! I cannot believe it has been nearly an entire year since my last post. It was actually pretty funny reading some of my older posts... like with me being all chummy about turning 20. Since I'm pretty much an expert on being 20 now, I can confidently look back on my younger naive-self and say, 'Jojo, being 20 ain't all that grand. You still can't even legally drink (...kidding. Yes, I even throw out corny jokes whilst giving advice to myself.)'.

However, I refuse to let myself damper my spirit upon my forthcoming birthday! Yes ladies and gents, yours truly will be turning 21 at the end of this month. I still haven't a clue what I will be up to, but so long as I'm out of the house with my girls, I think I will be OK.

In regards to the blog, I'm hoping to keep up with it. Hey, with my  previous track record of like two posts per year, it shouldn't be a problem. Lol, but on a serious note, I will be pushing myself to blog far more often.
Once I get into it, blogging is really enjoyable and almost relaxing. And besides, part of the reason I made this blog (which was during the time of New Year's) was to push myself into waking up early enough (my subtitle holds me accountable) to fit this into my daily/weekly schedule. Why did I try to guarantee the success of my adequate sleep resolution through the making of a blog? Because that's the way my kooky mind works. Hopefully it works.

Oh, before I go, I should mention that I changed my title! As I was reading my comments, I noticed someone mentioned that there was already a blog known by a very similar title. So because of my inherent avoidance of swagger jacking and my exaggerated fear of future law suits, I came up with a new title.
I think it suits me well :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blessings and Goals

Since my last post, I've been blessed with a job! I am now working for a deli and it's quite a bit of work, but hey, my co-workers are nice (thank God) and it pays the bills.

Unfortunately, since my birthday, I've been committed to maturing myself. Actually, just last week I was ready to blow my paycheck on a iPhone--a definite upgrade from my current phone--but my parent then brainwashed reminded me that a car is probably more important than a phone. Sigh.

But hey, good things come to those who wait. Therefore, I will put off wants like a shopping spree and a new phone, in exchange for necessary things like a car. Look at me, I'm growing up :)

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I've convinced myself that it is possible for me to get to bed before midnight... yea right. So in order to help myself to this, I think I'm actually going to do what my blog's subtitle says and blog in the morning. That way, I won't have to rush to squeeze in a post here or there.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finally Leap Year

It's my birthday and I am so thankful and blessed to have made it to another year... which makes me 20! I still can't believe it, I thought I'd be a teen forever. But I'm definitely not complaining.

I'm going to be going out with the fam today and I can't wait. Spending time with them is something I took for granted while away at college... but now, I don't think I mind as much. :)

I'm glad to have made it this far, healthy and happy. I'm excited to reach this milestone--and the many that will follow--because the older I get, the more content I am with myself. And contentment tends to go hand in hand with wisdom and maturity. After all, wisdom and maturity (and a good amount of confidence) are probably the best accessories you can get.

Speaking of accessories, I'm been pretty slack with my outfits, mostly because I don't have many places to be. But that will no longer be an excuse! With a bit of birthday cash, an up coming job, and plans to head back to school in the summer (full time!), I need to get back into the gear of things.

If all goes well, I'll buy a couple of investments and staples, but nothing too much. So long as I'm in school, I'm ballin' on a budget.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's the best month of the year!

Happy February!

I always get excited for this month every year. One of my dogs becomes one year older and its one month closer to spring/summer. But this month is going to be particularly special...It's a leap year, which means I'll actually have a birthday this year. :)

I'm not much of a party person, but I hope to at least get to have a dinner with my family and get to see my friends. Also, some new make up wouldn't hurt. However, I'm not really expecting much this year because God has already blessed me with so much. Sounds cheesy, but it's true.

It's going to be a good year.

Thursday, January 26, 2012



I found this set on polyvore and decided to post it because it isn't my normal, go-to outfit... (sans the glasses) and I love it. It's clean and simple, yet still makes a statement. That's pretty much the summation of my style.'s been awhile

It's been an awfully long time since my last post but I've been keeping myself busy... So far, I've gotten my CNA license, my driver's license, and I've been working as a seasonal worker in a local store. And... I'm almost finished paying off my previous school's bill.

Thank you God.

I'm taking this semester off, but if all goes according to plan, I'll be back in school this summer, full time hopefully. This year is starting off brightly :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hey... sorry followers follwer, but I didn't have the time to post today and probably won't have the time to do so tomorrow.

But for some reason, I'm getting the vibe that there won't be too many tears that were shed over the lack of posts for the next two