Friday, February 8, 2013

AcupofJo morphs into The Dapper and Dope... a whole year later...

Whew! I cannot believe it has been nearly an entire year since my last post. It was actually pretty funny reading some of my older posts... like with me being all chummy about turning 20. Since I'm pretty much an expert on being 20 now, I can confidently look back on my younger naive-self and say, 'Jojo, being 20 ain't all that grand. You still can't even legally drink (...kidding. Yes, I even throw out corny jokes whilst giving advice to myself.)'.

However, I refuse to let myself damper my spirit upon my forthcoming birthday! Yes ladies and gents, yours truly will be turning 21 at the end of this month. I still haven't a clue what I will be up to, but so long as I'm out of the house with my girls, I think I will be OK.

In regards to the blog, I'm hoping to keep up with it. Hey, with my  previous track record of like two posts per year, it shouldn't be a problem. Lol, but on a serious note, I will be pushing myself to blog far more often.
Once I get into it, blogging is really enjoyable and almost relaxing. And besides, part of the reason I made this blog (which was during the time of New Year's) was to push myself into waking up early enough (my subtitle holds me accountable) to fit this into my daily/weekly schedule. Why did I try to guarantee the success of my adequate sleep resolution through the making of a blog? Because that's the way my kooky mind works. Hopefully it works.

Oh, before I go, I should mention that I changed my title! As I was reading my comments, I noticed someone mentioned that there was already a blog known by a very similar title. So because of my inherent avoidance of swagger jacking and my exaggerated fear of future law suits, I came up with a new title.
I think it suits me well :)


  1. It's hard to keep a blog updated especially if you don't really know if people are reading. Just commenting so you know that someone is... :-)

    Girl, I'd kill to be 20 or 21 again. I'm pushing 26. :-0 can't even believe it!

  2. OMG enjoy being 20! Once you hit 21, life goes by super fast!

    xo, N

  3. You promised yourself you'd blog, now go and do it! :)
