Monday, March 19, 2012

Blessings and Goals

Since my last post, I've been blessed with a job! I am now working for a deli and it's quite a bit of work, but hey, my co-workers are nice (thank God) and it pays the bills.

Unfortunately, since my birthday, I've been committed to maturing myself. Actually, just last week I was ready to blow my paycheck on a iPhone--a definite upgrade from my current phone--but my parent then brainwashed reminded me that a car is probably more important than a phone. Sigh.

But hey, good things come to those who wait. Therefore, I will put off wants like a shopping spree and a new phone, in exchange for necessary things like a car. Look at me, I'm growing up :)

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I've convinced myself that it is possible for me to get to bed before midnight... yea right. So in order to help myself to this, I think I'm actually going to do what my blog's subtitle says and blog in the morning. That way, I won't have to rush to squeeze in a post here or there.



  1. Congrats on the job love! You look beautiful!

  2. nice Jo (do you know another blog named the same? by joanna goddard..lovely!)
    visit my blog and become my follower to..please!


    ..from italy

  3. you are inspirational in a non-chalant way. I like that. Keep up your writing, it will take you far.
