Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finally Leap Year

It's my birthday and I am so thankful and blessed to have made it to another year... which makes me 20! I still can't believe it, I thought I'd be a teen forever. But I'm definitely not complaining.

I'm going to be going out with the fam today and I can't wait. Spending time with them is something I took for granted while away at college... but now, I don't think I mind as much. :)

I'm glad to have made it this far, healthy and happy. I'm excited to reach this milestone--and the many that will follow--because the older I get, the more content I am with myself. And contentment tends to go hand in hand with wisdom and maturity. After all, wisdom and maturity (and a good amount of confidence) are probably the best accessories you can get.

Speaking of accessories, I'm been pretty slack with my outfits, mostly because I don't have many places to be. But that will no longer be an excuse! With a bit of birthday cash, an up coming job, and plans to head back to school in the summer (full time!), I need to get back into the gear of things.

If all goes well, I'll buy a couple of investments and staples, but nothing too much. So long as I'm in school, I'm ballin' on a budget.


  1. happy belated birthday, dear :)
    when I turned 20, I was a bit shocked :'D now you're realising that you get older and your not a teen anymore D:
    lovely blog you have here, dear :))


  2. I'm turning 20 this year also, not looking forward to it :( ha x

  3. thanks guys for the lovely comments! :)
