Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Since my last post, I've visited my old hometown (which I was forced to; I despise that place), shadowed my mother, replied to approx. 5 text messages (lol), and found out that I won't be able to enroll into the two year degree program I was desprately relying on. And no calls from any prospective employers. "Blah" is currently the very accurate title of my life right now. Ugh.

But I won't give up hope! Even if I am sitting here, alone in my house and in my pajamas at 1:30 in the afternoon, I won't give up. I can at least volunteer, right? My plan for now is to help out at my mom's place from Mon-Thurs and on Friday, I'm going to look into volunteering at a local vet clinic.

So what if every single member of my family has jobs and it seems as if this summer is going to be as, if not more, boring as its predecessors... I'll get there some day. In the mean time, I need to figure out what I can do to keep myself slipping into a never-ending, self-loathing balck hole of depression. Tempting...

I think I'll go on a run today (that'd be my second day in a row...yay me!). And cook something. And wash something. And read something.

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