Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Catching Up

It's been awhile, but unfortunetly, I don't feel like writing. SOOooo... I decided to kill two birds with one stone (or trapping two with a shiny rock decoy, enjoying their presence for a couple minutes, and then releasing them, alive and well, back into the wild. I don't much like animal-killers.)

This is just an excerpt from my journal. Read 'em and weep. Or enjoy. Whichever you prefer.

"I have an interview on Friday at Charolette Russe, to make up for the one I missed yesterday. I'm not feeling too good about it, I mean, you only get one chance at a first impression. But I'm going to bluff like there's no tomorrow and give it my best shot. And pray like crazy.

And to keep myself updated with the rest of the world, I think I will write about a current event. To be honest, it kind of disgusts me to see how hype the world is getting about Casey Anthony. Yes, there is evidence out there that would make her less appealing than a bucket of pond scum, but she is human. Even if she was guilty, there are thousands of other criminals out there getting less than a fraction of the attention she's  getting. I'm in no way saying that she doesn’t deserve a life long jail sentence, but the way the media picks and chooses who is and isn't the bad guy(s) just get me mad. The world is too screwy.

I'm currently on a facebook fast. Ever time I get into fb, I start obsessing over it and log off and back into it about 10 times a day. I think a little fast will help keep things in moderation. Besides, facebook causes me to be too nosey. Way too many people put their business on facebook , and sometimes I fail to overcome the temptation of checking someone's relationship status or something silly like that. So for this week, and possibly the next, I will be anti-facebook... :O

I saw the third installment of the Transformer's trilogy this past weekend. It was full of action, flashy lights, and robots speaking in slow motion (I'm referring to you, Optimus). It wasn't anymore or any less then what I  expected. The replacement of Megan Fox was interesting because her acting, no offense to her, reminded me of Megan Fox. She was a blonde bombshell with subpar acting skills. Shia seemed to be his normal character, if not just a tad too drama queen-ish. I won’t go too into the details (not that I can relay much… if you saw the film, you'll know what I mean). But I will say this, if you're looking for a film that has a good, understandable, intelligent plot, wait for this one to come out on Blu-Ray. Let's see… what else is there…?

Oh, I made a cake the other day. Brown red velvet cake. The brown was unintentional, lol. "

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